Part 6: Pros and Cons to each type of diaper

Part 6: What's so wonderful or not so wonderful about all those diapers?

Here I will list pros and cons to each type of diaper I talked about previously.  Hopefully this will help you see what might work best for your family.

Pros: indestructible, cheap, you can always get a good fit, versatile (so many folds), once they outgrow them you can toss them inside other diapers for absorbancy, use them as burpcloths, and continue using them after baby is out of diapers for all sorts of things, and super easy to launder, made of natural materials (cotton, sometimes hemp), can get them in organic materials
Cons: not waterproof, folds can be complicated especially at 3am, you need a separate fastener for some folds, and they aren't as absorbant as some of the other diapers.

Pros: absorbant, breathable, have snaps/velcro already on them, inserts snap out for easier cleaning and faster washing/drying time, natural materials, can get organic
Cons: Can be expensive, need a cover

Pros: inserts separate for better cleaning and faster drying, no need for waterproof cover, once prestuffed they go on just like a disposable, adjustable absorbancy by changing the inserts, stay dry inside so baby doesn't feel the wetness
Cons: Can be pricey, have to stuff them, often made of synthetic materials

All in Ones (AIOs)
Pros: Most like a disposable - no stuffing required, stay dry inside, usually the trimmest options
Cons: Longer drying time because the insert is inside the diaper, sometimes harder to get clean because of this, too.  They are also expensive.

All in Twos (AI2)
: Great for out and about, can reuse the shell and just replace the absorbant inside, cute prints, don't need a cover, wash/dry well because they are in 2 pieces
Cons: Some WAHM AI2s can wick because of the way they were made