Part 2: Pocket Diapers

A pocket diaper is a diaper that has a built in waterproof layer, a stay dry feeling inside, and a slit, or pocket, at the top to put in an insert.  Most pockets come with microfiber inserts.  Microfiber can't touch baby's skin, as it can dry it out quickly and leave a rash, but inside a pocket it works as a wonderful absorbant insert!  If baby wets through the microfiber, you can add a second microfiber insert, or try a hemp or bamboo insert.  These are all very absorbant materials.  Pockets do not need a cover over them because of their outer layer of waterproof material.

Inside of a Bumgenius 4.0 pocket.  You can see the insert opening at the back.  I purposefully pulled the insert out a tiny bit to make it easier to see.

Here is the insert and I made the opening nice and open to see it easier.

This is called "stuffing" a pocket.  You grab the insert in your hand and literally stuff it inside, making sure it's lying flat inside the diaper and not bunched up.  It's easiest to do this once your diapers are dry so they are "prestuffed" and ready to just grab and go!

The BumGenius 4.0 pocket on the bum.

A Rumparooz pocket on the bum.

A Blueberry Minky (fuzzy material) pocket on the bum.  This is fuzzy on the outside because there is a hidden inside layer of waterproof material, so it still doesn't need a cover.